Anne-marie Harrop

Regional Assurance Director, Cheshire, Wirral & Shropshire

Anne-marie is our regional Assurance lead for Wirral, Cheshire and Shropshire and has over twenty years’ experience of delivering assurance and consultancy across a range of public sector organisations. In addition to the core assurance offer, Anne-marie has designed and delivered assurance programmes across organisation boundaries, partnerships, group and subsidiary arrangements.

Anne-marie is passionate about thought leadership, sharing best practice and insights, and works with our strategic partners to provide an extensive programme events.

In addition, Anne-Marie is also our internal lead on all things “People focussed” in particular our Internship programme, professional studies and learning and development.

Outside of work,  Anne-marie is a Director at “ Make it Happen” , a Community Hub in Birkenhead,  which acts as a community space, social supermarket and pay as you feel shop where customers pay what they can afford for clothes, enabling people to gain the means and ability to improve their quality of life.

When she’s not working Anne-marie loves a spot of retail therapy, reminiscing and dancing round the kitchen to House music, and cooking up a mean curry.


MIAA, Regatta Place
Brunswick Business Park
Summers Road
L3 4BL


Tel: 0151 285 4500 (9am - 5pm Mon-Fri)



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